The Power Of Kapuk

>> Jumat, 09 Desember 2016


The Kapuk fibers come from fruit pods that grow on trees. It is non-food crop and a natural wax-coating protects its fibers from insects. Hence there is no need for the use of pesticides. In addition, there is absolutely no need for fertilizers or any other chemicals to foster its growth. The trees grow in tropical and sub-topical regions, where the heavy rainfall and rich ground water are sufficient for its prosperous development – no additional irrigation is required. Rain forests are ample in all the trees need. That’s the beauty of Kapuk – it only grows organic! And it only uses natural resources provided by Mother Nature. Not only Kapuk has no negative impact on the environment, but also it provides more biodiversity and fresh air.

There are even more benefits of Kapuk. It can also grow on hills, which reduces the use of agricultural flat land that is needed for food production. It can grow in acidic soil, as well as on the ground with a very thin layer of soil. The Kapuk trees are mainly found in the wild but there are a few plantations, where trees are planted in soil of only 40-50 cm deep. Kapuk thrives where no other tree can survive! It is easy for Kapuk to prosper in such shallow soil due to its extensive roots that spread even above the ground.


Kapuk Fabrics

>> Jumat, 11 November 2016

Fabrics made with Kapuk yarns feel extremely soft and are suitable for a wide range of markets: fashion, active wear, medical textile and more. The fabrics will give a cool feel in summer and warm in winte. It will have a quick dry function, anti-bacterial, anti-moth and anti-mite.

Kapok fiber has a soft silky-cotton touch. The fiber is hollow and therefore insulating, this provides cool in the summer and warmth in the winter. Due to its hollow structure it is buoyant, as it’s also hydrophobic due to a natural wax coating, making it water repellent and naturally quickly dry.
Kapok has a long list of other natural functions such as anti-bacterial (oderless), anti-moth, anti-mite and medical benefits. This makes the products very suitable for a very wide range of products.


Kapuk Fillings

>> Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

Knowing that KAPUK has great insulation values due to its hollow structure we developed natural fillings. JACKETS, BEDDING, SLEEPING BAGS utilize synthetic or down fill material, this is harmful for nature and increases animal farming practice. With our filling we protect nature and provide the same warm-keeping functions.

With this natural and most sustainable Kapuk filling we provide 100% NATURAL WARMTH and fully bio-degradable product with practical advantages.  The product is: machine washable, water repellent, anti-bacterial for reducing odors anti-moth and anti-mite for safe storage.


Kapuk Yarns

>> Jumat, 09 September 2016

Kapok fibers provide a soft, dry touch to yarn & fabric. It can be spun in ring spun and air spun yarns between 6s – 60s. The yarns provide a cooling & warm keeping function due their fibers hollow structure. The yarns naturally dry quickly because of kapok’s water repellent factor. Its anti-bacterial function
property creates a new generation of odorless fabrics, medical fabrics, fabrics used in bedding for any hospitality projects.

There are many more functions and product options which are under investigation and testing. Therefore please keep checking our blogs for updates. If you have suggestions for new products we are open for new developments and cooperation.


Nyeri Leher dan Mitos Jemur Bantal Kapuk

>> Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

Nyeri leher sering kali kita alami ketika bangun tidur. Hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh posisi tidur yang salah sehingga berakibat pada nyeri otot leher.

Sebagian orang percaya, menjemur bantal bisa membantu menyembuhkan nyeri leher. Betulkah demikian? Sebenarnya, hal ini juga tidak sepenuhnya betul atau salah. Namun menjemur bantal bukan menjadi satu-satunya cara untuk penyembuhan dan meringankan sakit leher yang dialami.

Bantal yang sudah terlalu lama tidak dijemur, jika terbuat dari bahan serat kapuk (organic fiber), teksturnya akan cenderung padat dan mengeras. Hal ini yang menurut WorldNews menyebabkan rasa kurang nyaman apabila digunakan saat tidur atau beristirahat. Tetapi pemakaian serat alami semacam serat kapuk sebagai pengisi bantal masih sangat dianjurkan karena efeknya baik jika berinteraksi dengan kulit kita dibandingkan serat sintetis.

Jika hal ini dilanjutkan, bisa menjadi salah satu penyebab sakit leher, yang ditandai dengan rasa kaku dan nyeri. Oleh karena itu, perlu sekali untuk merawat kasur dan bantal yang digunakan agar jauh dari tungau dan debu, serta yang pasti lebih empuk dan nyaman ketika digunakan.

Jika sakit leher sudah telanjur terjadi, maka bisa diatasi dengan mandi air hangat atau panas, mengompres leher dengan air dingin dan hangat, serta melakukan latihan peregangan dengan gerakan memutar perlahan.


Letak Bantal yang Tepat untuk Semua Posisi Tidur

>> Jumat, 08 Juli 2016

Mendapatkan tidur yang nyenyak menjadi keinginan setiap individu, apalagi setelah seharian letih bekerja. Tidur yang nyenyak memang bisa menjadi obat mujarab untuk mengembalikan energi dan semangat Anda keesokan harinya. 

Sebelum tubuh benar-benar terlelap, memposisikan tubuh yang nyaman di atas kasur dan memejamkan mata adalah langkah pertama yang perlu dilakukan. Namun sering kali posisi tidur yang nyaman sulit untuk didapatkan karena kurang lihai memilih bantal.

Melansir laman Huffington Post, memilih bantal yang tepat dapat membantu seseorang mendapatkan posisi yang nyaman. Bantal diumpamakan sebagai jembatan antara kepala dan tubuh karena berada di posisi yang tepat untuk menjaga tulang belakang terhindar dari rasa sakit. Terkadang bahkan dibutuhkan lebih dari satu bantal untuk mencapai posisi yang nyaman.

Berikut penggunaan bantal untuk mendapatkan posisi tidur yang nyaman dan nyenyak untuk Anda.

- Bantal untuk posisi telentang

Jika Anda biasa tertidur dengan posisi telentang maka posisi bantal harus sebaris dengan posisi kepala dan tulang belakang.
Dengan memilih bantal yang lembut akan memanjakan leher dan kepala Anda, dan terhindar dari nyeri punggung saat bangun di pagi hari.
Jika rasa sakit masih Anda rasakan, tambahkan satu bantal di bawah lutut kaki atau di punggung untuk tidur yang nyenyak.

- Bantal untuk posisi tidur menekuk perut 

Orang yang tidur dengan posisi perut yang menekuk ini, tidak memerlukan banyak bantal di sekitar tubuh. Hanya saja, untuk menjaga kenyamanan terlebih juga menghindari nyeri punggung di bagian bawah, selipkanlah bantal di bawah perut. 

- Bantal untuk posisi tidur miring
 Orang-orang yang terbiasa tidur dengan posisi miring ini berisiko bangun dengan rasa sakit di bagian bahu, pinggul, dan leher. Ini karena saat tidur mereka menahan berat badan yang tidak seimbang.
Untuk mendapatkan tidur yang nyenyak pada posisi ini, gunakanlah bantal yang tebal untuk mengisi jarak antara telinga dan bahu. Tempatkan bantal juga di antara lutut dan pinggul untuk mencegah nyeri saraf dan otot saat terbangun dari tidur.
Memilih bantal yang tebal dan empuk dapat membantu tidur lebih nyenyak dan menghindari rasa sakit di beberapa titik tertentu saat bangun dari tidur. Anda pun dapat mengisi isian bantal atau busa bantal Anda sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
Pemilihan bahan bantal pun dapat mendukung tidur yang nyenyak, seperti yang diisi dengan serat kapuk (organic fiber) yang lembut yang berguna juga untuk menjaga kenyamanan kulit tubuh dari keringat di malam hari.


Successful Sustainable Spinning Kapuk Fibre

>> Jumat, 27 Mei 2016

The key business principles of the Gebr. Otto Baumwollfeinzwirnerei are sustainability, maximum product quality and power of innovation. The family business with production facilities in Dietenheim and Balzheim near Ulm in Germany is one of the leading yarn manufacturers in Europe, supplying to internationally renowned customers in the clothing industry and in the sector of technical and medical textiles. In 2002, the company was certified as an environmentally friendly and socially responsible production facility in line with the requirements of OEKO-TEX® Standard 1000 as the first spinning mill and dye works in Germany. This allows the company to attach the OEKO-TEX® Standard 100plus label to its products as well.

Over 100 years of progress and quality
The company started out as Gebr. Otto with a twisting mill in Dietenheim in 1901. The increased demand for textiles following World War II lead to the addition of the sectors dyeing, mercerising and ring spinning. A second spinning mill was added in 1990 despite the general crisis in the German textile industry. Today it is one of the most modern plants in Europe. 160 employees work at the production facilities in Dietenheim and Unterbalzheim, producing yarn for customers in the sectors circular knitting, flat knitting and weaving as well as for manufacturers of technical textiles (e.g. automotive, hygiene) and medical textiles.

Gebr. Otto focuses on yarns of the highest quality, made from the natural product cotton as well as from fibres from natural raw materials. The company is one of the leading yarn manufacturers, producing an annual output of more than 3000 tons of cotton yarn with modern plants for spinning, twisting, dyeing and yarn mercerising. Customers include renowned clothing manufacturers and brands such as Petit Bateau, Schiesser, Speidel, Mey, eterna, Trigema or Triumph International. This makes Gebr. Otto one of only a few manufacturers in the textile industry who can maintain their position in Germany, thanks to the appropriate know-how and the required experience. ‘We practise our values from generation to generation rather than from one quarterly profit to the next. And that includes a very strong sense of identification with our employees and our location,’ Andreas Merkel, managing director at Gebr. Otto, points out. But this great loyalty to the roots of the company also meant that the company first had to create the preconditions for being able to prevail over the competition from low-wage countries. According to Andreas Merkel, this was ensured by developing an appropriate strategy: ‘From a purely economic point-of-view, production in Germany does not actually pay. This is the reason why we focus on a premium and niche strategy to be able to stand our ground on the international market.’

Sustainable Concepts
The core business of Gebr. Otto is essentially based on three pillars: manufacturing of fine premium yarns for the technical sector and the clothing industry (OTTO Premium Yarns), the development and introduction of sustainable, integrated product concepts for customers in the clothing industry and in the technical sector (Sustainable Concepts) and the manufacturing of hygiene products and class 1 medical products (OTTO-Medicare).

The company division ‘Sustainable Concepts’ has been focusing on a now omnipresent trend since 1998. For the spinning mill this was a reaction to the increased ecological demands of the customers – mainly from the clothing industry but also from the sector of technical textiles. ‘Environmental protection and sustainability are not just lip service for us‘, stresses Andreas Merkel, ’they determine our business activities. We have firmly embedded this claim into our company philosophy.’ In addition to the product ranges ‘Fair Trade’ and ‘Bio Yarns’ (where Gebr. Otto is one of only a few spinning mills to offer the combination of Fair Trade and organic cotton), this has lead to the creation of innovative products and concepts which have attracted international attention.

The Piumafil® yarn developed in 2006 allowed the company to use innovative technologies for spinning a mixture of wild kapok and hand-picked cotton into high-quality premium yarn for the first time. Until then the kapok fibre had been thought to be unsuitable for spinning and was primarily used as a filling material. Kapok is a hollow cellulosic fibre with a length of approx. 2-4 cm. It contains 80% air and is six times lighter than cotton. The kapok fibre has special thermal properties and a silky sheen, which is why it is sometimes referred to as silk cotton or vegetable cashmere. The natural wax coating of the fibre only allows a low level of moisture absorption – an advantage that promises excellent wearing properties for clothing textiles. The kapok tree is a tropical plant indigenous to Indonesia, Java, Malaysia, West Africa, the Caribbean and northern South America. Kapok does not grow in monocultures such as plantations. It needs the environment of the tropical rainforest and is therefore free from pesticides and fertilisers. Kapok is 100 per cent biodegradable. Andreas Merkel also focuses on the benefits for the people and the natural environment in the countries of origin: ‘A demand for the fibres from wild kapok trees ensures the livelihood of the local population who harvest these fruit by hand. This in turn prevents deforestation by fire in these areas.’ With this contribution to the protection of the tropical rainforests, the company is an official partner of the nature conservation organisation WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). Part of the profits from Piumafil® go towards the reforestation of the tropical rainforest. 

Another innovative product concept is the recot²® fibre which was developed in cooperation with Ulm university. The name is a combination of the words ‘recycled’ and ‘cotton’. The power of 2 represents the magnitude of the possible savings with regard to water as a natural resource. The new fibre mix consists of 50% raw cotton and 50% recycled selected production waste or 75% organic raw cotton and 25% recycled cotton. This saves water and significantly reduces the use of pesticides. The production of a T-shirt, for example, usually requires about 4,000 litres of water from raw material to finished product. With the new fibre, only half the amount of this precious resource is used. This manufacturing method can save 5,000 litres of water for each kilogramme of yarn. Andreas Merkel sees huge potential for the future: ‘The lack of water is becoming dramatically obvious in more and more regions of the world. With this approach, we have made our contribution to the protection of this valuable and life-sustaining natural resource.’

Sustainable added value
In 2002, Gebr. Otto was one of the first ever companies to be certified according to the requirements of OEKO-TEX® Standard 100plus. The OEKO-TEX® Standard 100plus product label enables textile and clothing manufacturers to use one single test mark for providing their customers with documentation of the human ecology requirements according to OEKO-TEX® Standard 100 and their environmentally friendly production conditions according to OEKO-TEX® Standard 1000. Andreas Merkel is convinced that the required measures have been worthwhile for the company: ‘We are convinced that products from environmentally friendly production which have undergone testing for harmful substances offer clear added value for consumers. OEKO-TEX® Standard 100plus is one of the few labels that can communicate this added value for finished textiles at point of sale.’


Penelitian Serat Kapuk Dalam Menyerap Minyak Mentah

>> Kamis, 03 Maret 2016

Serat kapuk merupakan bahan alam yang dapat diperbarui, ramah lingkungan dan memiliki sifat khas yaitu hidrofobik dan oilofilik sehingga berpotensi dalam pengendalian pencemaran minyak di laut dan pesisir. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbandingkan kapuk Indonesia dalam penelitian ini, dengan kapuk dari berbagai negara berdasarkan kandungan kimia kapuk, mengetahui potensi kapuk sebagai absorban berdasarkan karakteristik serapannya serta aplikasi di lapangan. 

Berdasarkan kandungan kimia serat kapuk, didapatkan kandungan ekstraktif yang dinyatakan dalam kelarutan air dingin 2.95% dan kelarutan air panas 4.05%, holoselulosa 95.93%, α-selulosa 34.94%, hemiselulosa 57.38%, dan lignin klason 13.18%. Potensi kapuk sebagai absorban diperoleh dari pengujian kapasitas absorpsi, waktu absorpsi, dan desorpsi kapuk terhadap beberapa sampel minyak atau oli. 

Hasil menunjukkan bahwa kapuk memiliki kapasitas absorpsi 40-52 g/g, waktu absorpsi 1-8 menit Kapasitas absorpsi mengalami pengurangan sebesar 15-30% yang selanjutnya absorpsi konstan. Perbedaan kapasitas dan waktu absorpsi dipengaruhi oleh faktor viskositas masing-masing sampel minyak atau oli dan faktor pengempresan kapuk. Berdasarkan sifat absorpsi tersebut, kapuk direferensikan menjadi absorban yang efektif dan efisien dalam oil removal. Oleh karena itu kapuk dapat diaplikasikan menjadi bahan material dalam booms, skimmer dan teknik penyerapan lainnya.

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